
Road Asphalt Repair Driveway

Asphalt is an attractive, durable alternative to concrete for driveways. However, it needs maintenance to keep it in good condition. Regular inspections and timely repairs can extend the pavement’s life.

Fill cracks and sealcoat your driveway to prevent further damage. For weeds, use herbicide and wait a few weeks for them to die before cutting.

Easy to Repair

Asphalt is a great choice for driveways because it holds up well to the freeze-thaw cycle and resists de-icing salts. It also withstands more weight than concrete and is easier to keep in good condition with regular preventative maintenance like sweeping, crack filling and sealcoating.

Keeping up with these small repairs will prolong the life of your asphalt surface and save you from costly replacement costs. Asphalt repair and maintenance products are easy for homeowners to use and available at Lowe’s. Crack filler and sealant designed for do-it-yourselfers can be foot-traffic ready within an hour of application, and they cost much less than a full-blown paving job done by a professional.

First, look for potential problems. Start by inspecting the asphalt and ranking it on a scale of 1-5, with Very Poor (1) being worst and Good (5) being best. Asphalt in good condition may have some hairline cracks and color fading, but no major potholes or severe ruts.

If you find any asphalt cracks, take the time to clean them out and remove weeds from the cracks. This will help the patch last longer and prevent weeds from growing. It’s also important to make sure that your pavement is draining properly. Water that pools in your driveway can seep into the cracks and cause damage to the asphalt underneath.

Next, choose the right asphalt repair product for your needs. For small cracks up to 1/2 inch wide, you can use cold patch asphalt (available at most home improvement stores) or a blacktop repair kit. Both of these materials are similar to hot asphalt, but they are more convenient for DIYers to use because they can be applied at any time of the year.

If you’re dealing with larger cracks and holes, hiring a professional is the best option. The professionals at these companies will have the right tools and equipment to repair your asphalt and give it a fresh coat of blacktop that will look beautiful and last for years to come.


Asphalt is a durable material that can hold up to years of traffic and weather, but it does need regular repairs and maintenance. Whether you own a residential or commercial property, proper maintenance of your asphalt can enhance curb appeal and resale value, as well as help protect vehicles and pedestrians from injury or vehicle damage. Keeping on top of your asphalt care can help you avoid costly full-scale replacement or resurfacing projects.

Asphalt can be repaired by filling cracks and divots, resurfacing the surface, or replacing it completely. The best method for addressing asphalt damage is to conduct regular inspections and repair minor problems promptly. Small cracks in the surface of the asphalt are a normal part of the aging process and are not a sign that your pavement is at risk of collapse. However, if these cracks are left unrepaired, they will eventually develop into their less desirable counterparts: potholes.

To address these cracks, fill them with liquid asphalt crack sealer or an asphalt emulsion. This will prevent further degradation and help the cracks to heal. The product you choose will depend on the extent of your damage and how fast you want it to be repaired.

If you have extensive networks of alligator cracks, or holes up to 4 inches deep, you may need to dig out the old damaged area and pour in a new layer of paving materials. Cold patch asphalt can be poured into these areas, but it isn’t effective for deeper repairs.

You should also check the surrounding area for drainage issues and keep weeds, grass, and shrubs away from the edge of your asphalt. Herbicide can be used to kill any weeds growing through the cracks, and dead weeds should be removed regularly with a garden rake or a shovel.

If your driveway is in extremely poor condition, it might need to be replaced entirely. Replacing your asphalt can cost more than repairing it, but the upfront expense is worth the long-term benefits of a trouble-free driveway. A professional paving company will be able to assess the condition of your driveway and advise you on the appropriate method for your specific situation.


Asphalt repair is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of replacement. It is important to have cracks, potholes and dips repaired as soon as possible to save money, reduce damage to vehicles and avoid more expensive repairs in the future. Proper maintenance will help extend the life of your asphalt driveway and improve its curb appeal, which can increase home value.

When the damage to your driveway is minor, patching is a good option. This is a simple process of filling in the cracked areas with an asphalt product. It can be done by yourself or by hiring professionals. Some products used for this purpose include cold mix asphalt, hot mixed asphalt, and specialty asphalts such as colored or heated. Cold mix asphalt is usually the cheapest but it isn’t suitable for full resurfacing projects. Hot mixed asphalt is a bit more expensive but it provides greater durability.

Larger cracks and holes in your asphalt require more extensive repairs. These are often caused by stress concentration in a particular area, such as the result of heavy vehicle traffic or a chemical burn from salt mixtures used for de-icing. Fortunately, most damaged asphalt can still be saved by using surface patching or dig out patching. These methods involve milling and removing the top layers of the asphalt, cleaning, and then installing a new layer of asphalt. The results are long-lasting and more attractive than simple surface patching.

For severe problems, resurfacing may be necessary. This involves the complete removal and replacement of the existing asphalt surface. It can be done for the entire driveway or just in one section. Resurfacing will restore the structural strength of your driveway while improving its appearance, which is important when trying to sell your house or simply enjoy it.

To get the best results, have your asphalt repaired by professionals trained in highway construction. They can offer a warranty on their work and provide detailed estimates. They can also work with you to schedule payments at certain project milestones. If you are concerned about the quality of their work, choose a contractor who is affiliated with state asphalt training programs or the National Center for Asphalt Technology.


Asphalt is a tough material that resists damage from heavy traffic, freezing temperatures, and sunlight. Its durability, however, is dependent upon proper maintenance. Regularly inspecting a driveway for cracks and other imperfections, and scheduling regular repairs when needed, will prolong its lifespan. Keeping the driveway free of debris, plants, and dirt will also help.

Asphalt driveway repair is relatively quick and easy. In most cases, hairline cracks and potholes are easily repaired with an asphalt patch or filler. Larger holes and depressions, however, may require the excavation of gravel or soil to make a deep repair. If the deterioration is extensive, an entire patch of the driveway may need to be removed and replaced.

Proper drainage is essential to the long-term health of an asphalt driveway. It will prevent standing water that contributes to cracking and sinking. This is a common problem that can be prevented by grading the driveway away from homes and ensuring that sub-drainage is in place.

If a pothole or depression is caused by a loose base, it can be filled with coarse gravel and sand mix. This should be compacted with a hand or vibratory tamper, or even truck tires to ensure that the patch is secure. The patch should then be covered with a layer of asphalt cold patch.

The best choice for potholes is an asphalt cold patch that contains a polymer adhesive. This type of product is easier to use than hot mix asphalt, and it can be applied in any weather condition. It is also resistant to shear and penetration. It is available in different aggregate sizes, so it can be matched to a specific driveway repair.

To maintain the durability of an asphalt driveway, it is recommended that a sealcoat be applied at least once every two to three years. This is an important step in the asphalt driveway repair process, and it will protect the surface from oxidation, ultraviolet light, and precipitation. The asphalt should be completely cured before applying the seal coat, which can take up to a year after the installation process is complete, depending on the climate.